Citater "SPOT truely was a wonderful and delightful time for all of us. I was quite excited by the organization of the festival. Big Ups to the whole Spot-team. I've hardly seen a big event like this done so perfectly and smooth"
- Reinhold Seyfriedsberger, booker, Ink Music. ![]() Det er bemærkelsesværdigt, hvor mange gode dance-navne, der kommer fra Danmark.
- Denis Docland, ID&T, arrangører (NL) ![]() |
Lørdag 22. maj | KL. 13.00-13.50 | Radisson Blu
A CONVERSATION: FOREIGN ARTISTS IN JAPAN Vi har alle hørt historierne om danske artister, der har haft massiv succes i Asien. Men er det virkelig så simpelt, som det lyder? Archie Meguro og Steve McClure (bosat i Japan siden 1985) vil i dette seminar forklare, hvad udenlandske artister skal gøre, og hvad de ikke skal gøre, hvis de vil opnå succes i Japan. ![]() ![]() McClure is a native of Vancouver, Canada, and has lived in Japan since 1985. In 1998 he published “Nippon Pop,” the first book in English on Japanese pop music, and in 2005 he helped establish, the Internet's leading source of information about Japanese music. McClure writes about music, the music industry and Japanese culture and society for a wide variety of publications, as well as working in TV and radio.