"Danish Music Is Cool As Fuck"

- New Musical Express
"Put aside prejudices and check it out. Turns out there is more to Danish music than Barbie Girl..."

- Neil McCormick, The Daily Telegraph v. SPOT 2009
21/05/2010 | 20:45 | Musikhuset Århus, Rytmisk Sal

Last year Deportees released their third album, “Under the Pavement –The beach”. Aftonbladot’s reviewer compared the band to Håkan Hellström and concluded, “I have to dig deep to find a Swedish pop album with so many magnificent melodies”. There is a wealth of melodiousness that reminds me of the spark on Popsicle’s first three albums”. The band was nominated for Swedish P3 Gold and two Swedish Grammy Awards.

Started: 2003
Most recent album: Under The Pavement - The Beach
Official website: www.myspace/deporteesmusic

Time, stage etc. is indicative - be subject to changes.