"SPOT is one of the greatest festivals I’ve ever been to!"

- Fruzsina Szép, Sziget Festival (HU)
"Danish Music Is Cool As Fuck"

- New Musical Express
22/05/2010 | 21:30 | Filuren

Since 2001 Frodegruppen 40 has been among the most eccentric acts on the Danish Spoken-word scene. The group consists of the writer Jens Blendstrup and a band that ventures into all conceivable genres behind the front man’s performance of his spoken-word texts, which border on grotesque. On the latest release “Du Ligner Noget Fra En Pejs” from 2008 the music ranges from grannies’ pop, via jazz, country and electronica to punk and metal.

Started: 2001
Most recent album: "Du Ligner Noget Fra En Pejs" 2008
Official website: www.elektrolyt.dk/fr40new

Time, stage etc. is indicative - be subject to changes.