"Put aside prejudices and check it out. Turns out there is more to Danish music than Barbie Girl..."

- Neil McCormick, The Daily Telegraph v. SPOT 2009
"Forget Eurovision. SPOT Festival is the best advert for Scandiwegian music..."

- Kieron Tyler, MOJO Magazine (UK)
21/05/2010 | 18:00 | Filuren

The vocals crawl like a jackal across the sand, and the nearest water is far away. The sun is piercing, and among the sources of inspiration we have Velvet Underground and Sonic Youth. Heroin is part of the sound too. Kandy Kolored Tangerine got their name from a Tom Wolf collection of essays. They label their music noisy, psychedelic desert rock, with beautiful people in dark places as its point of departure. The band released their debut in 2009.  

Started: 2007
Most recent album: "The Perfect Swell" (2009)
Official website: www.myspace.com/kandykoloredtangerine

Time, stage etc. is indicative - be subject to changes.