"Put aside prejudices and check it out. Turns out there is more to Danish music than Barbie Girl..."

- Neil McCormick, The Daily Telegraph v. SPOT 2009
"Danish Music Is Cool As Fuck"

- New Musical Express
22/05/2010 | 14:45 | Musikhuset Århus, Rytmisk Sal

In 2000 Per Egland was so fed up with pop music that he decided to become a composer himself. He studied at academies in Sweden and Italy, and in 2009 he recorded his debut “Slut Dina Ögon Och Dröm Om Egland.” False modesty is not something that characterizes his voice. He has been compared to Greg Dulli and fellow Swede Alf Robertsson and labeled as an indie-dance band. Personally he thinks that his music ought to be considered punk..

Career start: 2000
Most recent album: "Slut Dina Ögon Och Dröm Om Egland" 2010
Official website: www.myspace.com/peregland

Time, stage etc. is indicative - be subject to changes.