"Put aside prejudices and check it out. Turns out there is more to Danish music than Barbie Girl..."

- Neil McCormick, The Daily Telegraph v. SPOT 2009
"Danish Music Is Cool As Fuck"

- New Musical Express
22/05/2010 | 13:30 | ArcHauz


In Icelandic “Undarlegur” means “strange”, and the band makes sure to live up to that label. Undarlegur’s universe is made up of melancholy melodies, low-key beats, a glockenspiel and sounds from a cardboard box filled with rubber bands. The group comprises 4 teenagers, 3 girls and a boy, who met at their continuation school. Last year they won the national continuation school band contest Aftryk and were subsequently selected for the SPOT line-up.


Started: 2008
Official website: www.myspace.com/undarlegurmudder

Time, stage etc. is indicative - be subject to changes.