"Put aside prejudices and check it out. Turns out there is more to Danish music than Barbie Girl..."
- Neil McCormick, The Daily Telegraph v. SPOT 2009
"SPOT truely was a wonderful and delightful time for all of us. I was quite excited by the organization of the festival. Big Ups to the whole Spot-team. I've hardly seen a big event like this done so perfectly and smooth"
- Reinhold Seyfriedsberger, booker, Ink Music.
21/05/2010 | 23:40 | Studenterhuset
Kellermensch’ selvbetitlede debutalbum blev sidste år kåret til årets album af Allscandinavian.com foran både Mew og The Psyke Project. I det hele taget har det ikke skortet på roser til Esbjergs art-metal band. ”Deres mørke, dystre og stemningsfulde rockmusik kan vel bedst beskrives som en besynderlig og højst original cocktail af Tom Waits, Nick Cave og Neurosis,” skrev pressen bl.a. og kaldte albummet ”usædvanligt originalt”. Præsenteres af Metal SPOT